Privacy Policy

Updated: May 28, 2024


This Privacy Policy (hereinafter – the Policy) is intended to acquaint you with the processes and procedures we use to collect and further process your personal information. This Policy applies to your personal information with respect to your use of the Services on the site Karavan.Casino either desktop, or mobile version as well as our official representations on social media (hereinafter collectively – Karavan.Casino).

We may change this Policy from time to time. Your further use of the Karavan.Casino constitutes your consent with the changes to this Policy. In case of significant changes, we will notify you via email. If you disagree with the Policy, you should immediately cease your using the Services.

Categories of personal data we collect

For the avoidance of doubt, we do not collect data of persons, who are under 18.

We may collect your personal data directly from you, during your use of the Site, from the third parties, from publicly available sources and by automated means. To the personal data categories collected refer the following:

Contact data: name, username, birthdate, password, email, address, phone number;

AML\KYC-required data: tax invoices and\or any other state-issued documents;

Communication data: data related with history of email communication, phone calls;

Payment data: your credit card number, bank issuer, deposit and withdrawal history;

Gaming data: balance, bets, bonuses, winnings;

Device data: IP address, location of internet access, browser, operating system and other usage details pertaining to the Site;

Activity and marketing data: email open\ click rates, interactions with the link, duration of page views and other related activities; data related with your engagement with our marketing initiatives like clicking on advertisements, information about partners, campaigns, traffic sources etc.;

Profile data: your preferences

We also notify you that we may process sensitive categories of personal data, which relates to your health, and criminal conviction on non-regular basis for a limited number of purposes such as fraud detection, prevention of money laundering, legal compliance, crime prevention, terrorist financing. Additional security measures are applied to the processing of such personal data categories.

Purpose and Basis of Processing

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

- Services provision (create and manage user accounts, handle gaming activities, process payments, enable participation in competition);

- Customer support (address your inquiries, enhance customer support procedures);

- User security (ensure the security of network and data, prevent unauthorized access and harm to electronic communication systems);

- Legal obligation fulfillment (conduct age verification, provide KYC procedures, safeguard users from irresponsible gambling);

- Business protection (prevent and detect anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, mitigate the risks of fraud);

- Marketing (personalize user offers, evaluate effectiveness of our campaigns, implement promotions).

Depending the purposes above, we process your personal data on the following lawful bases: fulfillment of contract, compliance with our legal obligation, legitimate interest, consent and\or public interest.

Automated Decision-Making

We understand the importance of transparency in automated decision-making processes. Automated decision-making entails the use of computer algorithms and automated systems without direct human involvement. We do not engage in automated decision-making, including profiling, regarding our Site users. In the event that we consider implementing such processes in the future, we commit to notifying you in advance.

Your rights

The processing of personal data collected through the Site is carried out in accordance with the principle of equality. All our users enjoy equal rights prescribed the standards we adhere in the field of personal data protection, namely:

- right to access: you may send us inquiries concerning kind, purpose and duration of their personal data processing and receive relevant information within 30-day-period;

- right to correct: you may contact us to supplement or change your personal data;

- right to delete: you may ask us to delete your personal information fully or partially;

- right to restrict processing: you may ask us to stop, in whole or in part, the processing of your personal data;

- right to data transfer: you have the right to receive a copy of your personal data and transfer such data to other administrators;

- right to object to the processing of personal data and to withdraw consent to their collection and processing;

- right to data portability: you can request a copy of your personal data in a structured, machine-readable format;

- right to appeal: you may file a complaint to the authorities regarding the protection of personal data if you believe that we have violated any of your rights.

To exercise any of your right, please reach us at: [email protected]

Personal Data Sharing

For the purposes outlined above, we may share your personal data within the group of companies and internal service providers to which belong the following ones: hosting, marketing, IT and security service providers, customer support and payment service providers, analytic and sportsbooks providers. We enter into a contractual agreement with each provider to ensure they handle your personal data responsibly and high security measures are applied respectively.

International Transfer

We may transfer your personal data to third countries or international organizations outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or have it processed by data processors operating outside the EEA when necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. These transfers are conducted in accordance with legal mechanisms, to which belong Adequacy Decision, Standard data protection clauses and other mechanisms.

Personal Data Security

We have put in place appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

Data retention

We will retain your personal data as long as it is necessary for the purposes collected. This may include our need to satisfy a legal, regulatory, accounting, or reporting requirement. Considering the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and applicable legal requirements, we determine the retention period of your personal data.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Our Site may contain links that direct you to other websites or services with privacy practices that differ from ours. If you choose to share personal data on any of these third-party sites, their privacy policies/notices, rather than ours, will dictate how your data is handled. We advise you thoroughly examine the privacy policy or notice of any external website you choose to visit.